Monday, October 4, 2010

Scenes from my weekend

Sharing scenes from the Retreat this weekend!
Lots of ladies dressed in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Too Cute! Lots of fun questions to get down to the winner...and after all the fun the winner was....Kendra...all dressed in pink! Adorable!Angie and I spent Friday helping our beautiful bride to be, Kelly pick out a stunning wedding dress...after after only 4 dresses we had a winner! Gorgeous and simply stunning!
Maybe a little attitude after requesting her to try number 3 back on again, just for we could make sure. Yes, we are sure...this is it!
Close up on the front...beautiful!And a couple of layouts that I did this weekend with My Mind's Eye Lost and Found. Love them, love how they turned out! Maxenzi on Spirit Day, cute with attitude! adorable as ever!

And this adorable how this one turned out! gorgeous! More layouts from My Mind's Eye to come, they rest of the shots are on Angie's camera! I will share more!


Tug said...

She's absolutely beautiful, isn't she?

(Signed, Kelly's Mom)


P.S. She's still beautiful. ;-)

Tamra said...

Wow Kathy..these pages are awesome!! You rock..looks like you had a great weekend...

Leah Schwartz said...

Girl you Rock!! I love, love the one of Lily.