Monday, September 29, 2014

Quick Quotes and Want2Scrap Mini

Sharing a mini album created for Quick Quotes with my favorite collection of their's.....Baggage Claim!
Quick Quotes teamed up with Want2Scrap all month, so I had lots of fun bling and chipboard to play with!

You can see the entire mini here on the QQ Blog!
Happy Monday!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Practical Scrappers September Scrapping Our Stash Hop

Welcome to the September Practical Scrapper's
 Scrapping Our Stash Hop!
You should have arrived here from
I used the awesome Hip Hip Hooray Collection to scrap Raini's dance recital last Spring.  They performed to music from 
Monster's Inc 2.  She was so cute and her outfit was just adorable!
This collection was just perfect with green, blues and monsters!

I would love to have you leave a comment and become a follower of my could win the prize below which consists of some Momenta Metal Birthday Stickers, Maya Road chipboard pennants and some
 Doodlebug Arrow Washi Tape and Doodlebug Pearl Hearts!

You have until Sunday at Midnight to leave a comment and I will pick a winner with on Monday!
Now off you go to my incredibly talented friend, 
Christine Meyer's blog!  We both used the same collection...great minds think alike!
And in case you get lost, here's the entire list!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

SRM and Helmar!

Sharing a couple projects with you today!
One that was up on SRM's blog yesterday...

And my very last post for Helmar is up on their blog today!

Hope you are having a great week!  Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Sharing a little Magic

Sharing a little magic today created with some fun Simple Stories, an awesome Leaky Shed Chipboard border and the perfect finishing touch with SRM Sticker Stitches.
The layout was created for Leaky Shed using their mouse balloon border.  They have some really great Disney designs that you simply must check out.  
I just painted the border black, super easy and they layout went together in a matter of minutes.
A bit of Magic in this little Gideon's eyes, celebrating his 2nd Birthday with his very special pal Mickey!
Can't believe he will be 4 in January...time flies!

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Monday!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dream Big with Quick Quotes

Running a bit behind with blog posts this week...sorry!
But I do have a layout up on the Quick Quotes Blog today with their new Dream Big Collection and a fun stencil from Want2Scrap!
Love playing with modeling paste!
You can find out more details here!

Friday, September 12, 2014

A couple of things I forgot to post!

Sharing a layout and a card that some how slipped my mind and they didn't get posted!
The layout was created for Quick Quotes...this is the gorgeous Dream Big collection and teamed up with some Want2Scrap pearls and rhinestones.  You can see more details on their blog here!

And next up, a card created for Leaky Shed Studios using there double heart chipboard.  Simply wrapped it with twine for a fun and simple embellishment.
You can find our more and links to there amazing store 

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Samantha Walker September Hop

Click here for the Lori Whitlock Blog Hop.  It's one post below!

Welcome to the Samantha Walker Creative Team September Hop!
Lots of fun Fall inspiration headed your way.
You should have arrived here from the amazingly talented

You could win this gorgeous Spellbinder Grand Impressabilities!
Just follow the Rafflecopter prompts below!

And you can win this Samantha Walker banner file just for hopping along!

I created a fun little bag with the word Autumn tied on!  This is a gorgeous bag....I love the intricate leaves and the bottom!
I used Samantha's Fall Leaves Bag and Samantha's Autumn Word.  I only used the top layer of the word.

Thanks for joining us today!  Now hop on over to Nicole's Blog to be super inspired!  Or click the Creative Team Logo below!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lori Whitlock September Blog Hop

Welcome to the Lori Whitlock September Blog Hop!
Lots of sales for you to get in on and a great prize along with a awesome freebie file from Lori Whitlock.
 You should have arrived here from Lorrie's!

Here's the free this!

And the awesome prize you could win using the Rafflecopter below!

I created two different project for the blog hop, but they go together perfectly.  One holds gift card and the other is a party favor bag full of candy!  I used Lori's Echo Park We Are Family Collection for both.

Here's just the little favor bag, so easy to put together.  You could make a ton of these in no time at all!

A couple views of the Friend Pop up drawer Box.  I love these, so perfect for holding a gift card and perfectly fancy way to give it!

Click on the photo below to take you right to the links on the Silhouette Store.

Thanks for joining us today and hop on over to Linda's!
Here's the complete list if you get lost

Monday, September 8, 2014

Sharing Joan's Lori Whitlock projects!

I asked some friends to play along with Lori Whitlock's link up party!  And boy did they come through.  I kind of forgot that they didn't have blogs, so I am linking up Joan's projects on my blog.  
They are simply amazing!  Wow!

What an amazing display of Lori Whitlock files Joan created!  Simply amazing!  Love it all!
Thanks Kelly, Susan and Joan for playing along!
You can find the link up party here!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Halloween Frankie Box!

I can't get enough of Halloween paper crafting and I am in love with these 3 D Halloween Popcorn boxes from my friend
 Jamie Cripps!  There are over 13 boxes to choose from and then a bunch of monster boxes too!

Here is my Frankie him!

Here's the link to Jamie's Blog that shows how to put them together and if you click on the picture below it will take you write to the file on the Silhouette Store to purchase him!

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Link Up Party with Lori Whitlock

I am hosting my first Link Up Party over at the 
I would love to have you play can use any of Lori's files and just give them a back to school theme....thank you's, treat bags...anything goes!

You can win a gift card to Lori's shop for linking up.  You have until September 10 to link up!
Can't wait to see what you create!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Practical Scrapper Blog Hop Winner and a few other things

I apologize for not posting the winner of my give a way for the Practical Scrapper's Blog Hop sooner, just kind of slipped my mind!
SHartl is the winner.  Just shoot me an email at with your mailing address and I will get it sent out to you.
Blogger SHartl said...
Love this adorable, sweet layout! I have two girls myself so I can't resist all that bling and girlie paper!

I have a card up on the SRM Blog that I would love to have you 
check out!
And also a Spring project up on the Helmar Blog's 
Spring in Australia now.
Finally sharing a new project created for Lori Whitlock with some 
of her new files.  You can see lots of examples on her blog.
Click here!
There are so many cute one's this week!

I used her new layered witch, 2 on 12x12 scalloped ribbon treat 
bag and a Halloween project life card for the tag and a fun little 
Halloween SRM Sticker!
Thanks for stopping by today!