Thursday, October 29, 2009

2nd Anniversary Sale and Make n Takes

October 30 and 31 Super Second Anniversary!! Come in and celebrate 2 years of business...starting into the third. Friday and Saturday there will be 3 make n takes, a sale and refreshments.
Friday, save 30% on any 30 items, and Saturday save 31% on any 31 items. The perfect way to stock up on papers! So great! Any 30 or 31 items. Does not apply to special orders!

Okay, I know you only see two make n takes here, forgot to take a picture of the third! Ooops!
But anyways you get the deal!!!

So come in, relax and hang out with me!! Too much fun!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Class ideas and a poll

Located at the right side of the blog, I have put a poll that I would love for you to participate in. It is open to all, you do not have to have a google account to vote or leave a comment anymore. Please leave me your feedback!!

I have been toying with a new idea for classes for a while. I would like to create 5 cards, a project or a mini project with a certain product lines.You would come to class, bring your tools and take home your completed projects and more product to continue on creating. EXAMPLE: A class of five cards and all the product to create them, including a full 12x12 chipboard sheet with tons of pieces, 7 to 10 papers, ribbon and embellishments, such as rhinestones or buttons. I would include the cardstock and envelopes for your 5 cards, you would create your 5 designs and go home with lots of product to keep creating or just add to your personal stash! Costs would go up, no way around that! Classes would be kept in the $25.00 range! You would be doing your own cutting... no more cut, copy and paste classes.
It's a way to get more bang for your buck, create with awesome product lines and add to your stash!!
I hope you will give it some thought and answer the poll at the right. I would really like to create, embellish and enhance my classes to different level. More stuff in the kits the more fun it is. She who dies with the most scrapbook supplies wins!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Tussey Mussey Make n Take

Come in anytime this week to make a super cute Tussey Mussey (candy cone) from K&Co Tim Coffey line! Super cute, super quick! Make on for your favorite little ghost and goblins!!

Watch the blog and your emails this week for upcoming make n takes and a sale for Friday and Saturday to celebrate the Playground's second anniversary! Starting into a third year of business, pretty exciting stuff!
There will be different make n take's, refreshments and of course a sale! So keep watching for more info!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sprinkle a little NUTMEG into your Fall

This warm, yummy, rich paper line ...NUTMEG from Cosmo Cricket, will be arriving at the Playground on Tuesday! It's the perfect colors and patterns to warm up our Fall! I can't wait to create with the fabulous line! I can never go wrong with Cosmo Cricket! It's always a huge hit and gets gobbled up fast!

Lots of the papers feature the widely popular wood grain look on the back. If your watching the trends, it's everywhere! The new Cards magazine has tons of ideas featuring the wood grain papers!

OmGosh, check out the chipboard 12 x 12 sheet, look at those chipboard buttons! Whimsical and warm!!!

The border strips are always a big seller, these are great, as usual!!

Card stock stickers!

The hugely popular elements sheets! You can make tons of cards, tons of tags, you name it and you'll will be inspired to create for fall with the collection.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Meet Moses and the new Magazines

Meet Moses...he's a 7 week old Bull Mastiff puppy! Cutest thing I've ever seen!! He belongs to my brother and his wife! I was thrilled to see them, but when they introduced me to Moses, I was smitten for the whole day! Next time I see him....I'm sure I will say Holy Moses...he should way between 125 and 150 pounds!!
Thew new Magazines are here full of creative, fun ideas for the holidays!
They have done an amazing job on all three of them! Very Inspirational!!

Gorgeous Ideas!!!

Tons and tons or great layouts and ideas!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monsters from Reminisce!!!!

Sharing the new monster collection from Reminisce! Adorable! A limited release line! So hurry in quick to take your little monsters home!!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Halloween Fun Class, Saturday October 24

Halloween Fun Class, Saturday October 24...10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Cost is $15.00. Please bring scissors and adhesive. Call 721-7529 or email .

This is just a super cute, super fun class! I looovve these guys!!! The first three are perfect for holding Halloween Treats. They are just adorable! We will be making the Frankenstein, the Mummy and pumpkin bucket...along with the little paper pumpkin made from paper strips! (Thanks to Michelle for sharing with me)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Heather's Class on Saturday October 17!!!

Just sharing all the finished projects from Heather's super cute class on Saturday, October 17 at 10:00 am. Cost is $15.00, please bring scissors and adhesive! Call 721-7519 to reserve your spot or email

This is a wonderful class with 3 cards a treat bag and the cutest pillow box! Heather is a talented designer of her own stamp line, Skipping Stones Designs and is anxious to share her new stamps with you! This are all simply adorable!
I sent out the info before but didn't have all the projects to show you, I appreciate your patience with this. Heather and I have both had sick kiddos at home. I'm sure a lot of you are in the same boat!
Come meet Heather, get introduced to her great line of stamps and take a morning for yourself!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saturday, October 17 class!! Heather will be back with more Skipping Stones Design Stamps

Saturday, October 17 at 10:00, Heather will be back with more great cards and projects from her line of stamps...Skipping Stones Designs. Cost is $15.00. Please bring scissors and adhesive. Call 721-7529 or email to reserve your spot!

See this week's make n take below the class info and photos!!

Heather will be giving the class, 3 cards and two little projects. I don't have photos of the projects but they are sure to be super cute. All projects feature her stamps (which will be available on Saturday for sale) and Fancy Pants Trick or Treat papers. Come join the fun!

This week's make n take is for October Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Stop in, take a moment for yourself, and remember to take care of yourself!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Spooky Test Tube Class

Spooky Test Tubes On Thursday, October 15, PMS Night!! Cost is $15.00, please bring scissors and adhesive. Call 721-7529 or email to reserve your spot!!

A very fun PMS Night, pizza m&m's and scrapping! Three test tubes to decorate and we will be using alcohol inks to make the band aid tin complete with a cauldron! Great class! Great fun!!!

Sharing some cards with the new Fancy Pants line...Christmas Magic and Snowflake Dazzle Stickers from Hot of the Press!

Some more fun cards from the Jolly By Golly line from Cosmo Cricket! Love this line!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fancy Pants Design's Dancing Girl

Another amazing line from Fancy Pants...Dancing Girl! Adorable!
All layouts here are courtesy of Fancy Pant's blog and created by their talented design team!
It is the perfect little girl line for all you little dancer's and princesses!