Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Valentine's Day projects to share~

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I have just a couple of projects to share with last year's
 My Minds Eye Love Me Collection!
First up, a couple of cute tags to add to some gifts!  Love how this first one turned out with all the Twinery Twine and the forever cut with the Silhouette!
Some fun Maya Road trim and Prima canvas flower to finish this one!
 This adorable little man steals your heart on this layout!  He is certainly a charmer!
The love, hearts and you all cut with the how fine and detailed you can cut!
 And last but not least, a pretty card to send!
I have a few more projects to make...lots of fun ideas to try with the Silhouette and I want to make this Valentine
 for the little people...Raini and Gideon.  I will post a picture if I get it done!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Practical Scrappers Card Contest

Okay...all my scrappy/card making talented have to give this contest a try.  You might be really surprised at where it takes you.  Tons of great prizes and lots amazing talent!

I am so proud and honored to be a part of this amazing was this contest that gave me the boost of confidence and inspiration I needed to start this whole crazy exciting designing thing!
I love it and there is no better place to be!

2013 Card Contest

It's time for another Practical Scrappers Card Contest!  We had so much fun with our last one and loved seeing all the amazing talent! 
 Follow the link for more info...

First round entries are due to us by Wednesday, January 30th at 11:59 pm EST and can be sent to  For this round the cards should have a Valentine or Love theme and must be never before seen!  The top 25 will be announced on Friday, February 1st.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

More Moxxie Wee Ones

I am in love with this new line from Moxxie..
Wee Ones.  I just love the colors and patterns...I am inspired to create with it!
I just love how this turned out.
Isn't she just the sweetest baby girl!
Again, a huge thank you to Joan for sharing these precious pictures with me!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Moxxie...Wee Ones

Sharing a new layout with the brand new Moxxie Wee Ones!

I just love this's soft, beautiful patterns and some fun trendy pieces.  I just adore the chevron!  I used Heaven Sent, butterfly kisses, splish splash, the die cuts and stickers.  
Thank you Joan for sharing this tiny miracle with me!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Just a fun card to share!

I love the Good Life collection from 
Fancy Pants.  Fun, bright, classic and clean!
Here is a simple card I created with it!

Hope you had a happy day today, thanks or stopping by!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Another Top Ten with Inspiration Elevator

You may recall from last month's challenge that the purpose of this challenge group was to take our scrapbooking to the next level, to stretch our creative process and to grow as artists by embracing challenges that make us think, work and grow.  
Since the start of a new year often prompts us to look back and ahead, we thought we would do the same creatively. This month we were challenged to look back over the last year and share with you some of the designs that reflect some growth or success in our process.  

I hope you will take the time to see what my Inspiration Elevator team mates chose as they reflected on this challenge. 
Cathy Harper

I recently did a post like this too for Practical Scrappers, so you may see a few repeat layouts.  Last time I posted my Top Ten projects, this time my Top Ten Layouts.  Most of these are from IE! I actually think I do some of my best work for the IE Challenges.  
I am thrilled and honored to be a part of this team, these ladies are beyond talented and inspirational.

First IE challenge, show your style.  
 IE Challenge to use a blurry photo!  Love this!
 Another IE Challenge...can't believe I love this one as much as I do, thanks Audrey for this challenge!
 IE use a photo taken from behind the subject.
 This one is just for me!
 This one created for Scrap-a-latte!
Created for One Story Down
 Another IE Challenge...this one just hits home and has so much emotional meaning for me!
 Created for Practical Scrappers!
And another created just for me!
There you have top ten layouts.   Thanks for stopping by and I know you will be inspired by the this amazing team!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Create Blog Challenge!

Playing along with the first challenge of the 
New Year over at the Create Blog from Northridge Publishing.  Love these challenges and so happy they are back!

The challenge: use these 3 colors
Here's what I came up with...
Be Happy & Absolutely Fabulous!

Here is the link if you would like to play along:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sharing some Birthday Cards!

I love all things October Afternoon and I just fell in love, as usual, with their 
Cake Walk line.  I love how these turned out.  
So cute!

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope you had an awesome day!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What can you do with Felt?

Super fun challenge over at
Ten things you can do with felt.
I had a ton of fun creating this layout, I layered felt flowers, layered felt under my negative space title and a bit more layering down in the corner with a photo corner and more embellishments.  I love how this turned out.  It has great dimension, I only wish you could see it in person.
A big thank you to Rosie for sharing this precious photo with me.  Also, I was inspired by this layout and gorgeous inspiration from 
Magda Mizera.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Moxxie Musically Inclined Hop

This month you could win the entire Musically Inclined collection, which captures a wonderfully vintage feeling in shades of cream, maroon, brown and teal.   It is perfect for any of your music themed projects.
To have a chance at winning, you need to follow the hop through all eleven participating blogs, check out the beautiful work of the Moxxie Muses, and leave a comment for each of them. Comments will close at midnight CST on Tuesday, January 8th. Winner will be announced the next day on the Moxxie blog. International fans are welcomed to play along if they agree to pay shipping in the event of their win. Ready to hop and be inspired by the rest of the Moxxie Muses?  Remember to leave your comments along the way for your chance to win the Musically Inspired collection!

I love this, gorgeous colors and gorgeous designs.  Sharing my layout of Zac Brown.  Yes, I am telling you who he is...because the Moxxie Muses had no idea who he was when I posted it on our facebook page.  I posted it and went back to work in my room, came back a couple hours later and logged on to FB...they were all commenting and guessing who it was.  They even thought he might be my hubby!   Yes, he is the one and only Zac Brown and you might know him from his huge hit Chicken Fried...but his music is so much more than that...and yes, he is my happy.  I listen to him while I create and he just always makes me smile!
    Continue hopping here and thanks for your comments.  I love reading them!
 Got Moxxie        
   Patti Hamil    
    Cathy Harper     
  Misty Rushlow        
Mary Pat Siehl       
 Dana Tatar       
 Rhonda Van Ginkel      

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

December Publications in CARDS magazine

Just a quick post sharing my December publications in Northridge CARDS magazine!
A style challenge with these colors and wreaths!  Lots of wonderful October Afternoon Holiday Style products!
 Mini Cards, the top one, with Let it Snow!  More October Afternoon Holiday Style.
 Thinking of You Card with Echo Park's 
This & That Graceful and some fun Washi!
Thanks for stopping by and make sure to stop back on Friday for a Moxxie Blog Hop!  
Prizes to be won!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year and a Blog Hop Winner!

Just wanted to take a minute to wish you all a very Happy New Year!
I hope everyone has an incredible 2013.
The winner for my blog hop prize, the Authentique Genuine Paper Pack is
Blogger MamaKaraba said...
I am now following you! Hope ou are not lost! (Tee hee!) Sorry! I am a bit goofy today.
December 28, 2012 2:30 PM
Congrats and please send me your snail mail and email address so I can get it sent out right away.  You can contact me at