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a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Lori Whitlock
I had so much fun with these fun little Valentine mailboxes and the envelope box. They are just too cute and so many great details. The possibilities are endless for Valentine ideas in Lori's shop.
The A2 Box Card Mailbox Hearts is the flower print, Box Card Valentine 2 is the red with the white MAIL word, and then the adorable envelope slide box. So many designs, not enough time.
The two mailboxes fold flat into an A2 envelope for easy mailing and the little sliding box envelope store little treats for that special someone.
These can all be found at the Silhouette Online Design Store too...
Silhouette A2 box card mailbox, Silhouette Envelope Slide box, and Silhouette Box Card Valentine Mailbox.

Traci Penrod
Kathy Skou
Anita Mulcahey
Brandie Adams
Aimee Kidd
Ashley Cook
Cathy Harper
Corri Garza
Michelle Starcher
Marcia Dehn-Nix
Kathy Skou
Anita Mulcahey
Brandie Adams
Aimee Kidd
Ashley Cook
Cathy Harper
Corri Garza
Michelle Starcher
Marcia Dehn-Nix