Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 7 winner and a new prize

Peytonsmom is the winner of the Maya Road Bungalow and Villa! Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

The prize for Day 8 is a Time Flies Clock from Kaisercraft! These are so much fun! Great clocks to decorate to match your decor or give as gift! It holds 3 photos! Kaisercraft is such a amazing company from Australia, they are fast become a leader in the industry!

Today's question!?!?!!?! Since the prize of the day involves time! What's your favorite memory from your childhood at Christmas. What was your favorite gift???
I have lots of fond memories and lots of wonderful gifts! My favorites a Barbie Town Home, lots of stuffed animals! A Christmas kitten, actually a gift for my mom, but oh she was fun!

Leave a comment and your name goes in the drawing!!


Rhonda Wood said...

My favorite Christmas as a child was the year I got a cradle for my dolls that my brother MADE for me in shop class I also got a Holly Hobby doll and a lil playschool desk I have a picture of that Christmas and I am sooo glad :) Another year I got a Dollhouse my parents put together in a kit I still have the dollhouse and Morgan plays with it now. Actually...come to think of it... I had many many wonderful Christmas' I was and AM VERY blessed! Gee... that kind sounds like bragging :( ????? lol

MMK said...

My many favorite childhood Christmases were spent with all the cousins and aunts and uncles and Grandparents year after year. My best present ever (I still have it) was the lady doll delivered from Marshall Fields in Chicago when my Mother could not be home because of anesthesiology school.

Linda Woerth said...

We would go to North Dak to see my Grandparents for Christmas. Grandma would take all of us to church for the sunday school program. All the kids would get a paper bag with a apple or orange and candy and peanuts afterwards. After a big family get together we would sing christmas carols and Grandma or one of the Aunts would play the piano. My favorite gift was a bride doll.

2cut said...

Site looks great. I'll make sure to stop by more often

jjholdaway said...

one of my favorie memeories is my grandaddy being santa at teh local mall adn he tried to disguise himself however I knew it was him.
We always spent lots of time with family around the holidays.

Peyton's Mom said...

PEYTON'S MOM ROCKS!!!! what will I do with my prize? anyway I have had an issue with my parents since childhood because I REALLY wanted an easy bake oven-never got it-instead the snoopy snocone machine! so the first year I was married-my husband bought me the easy bake oven-I cried like a baby! what a great christmas!!!

Chelsea said...

My favorite Christmas memory as a child was making Sinterklaas cookies. Sinterklaas is the Dutch version of Santa. The ironic thing was we left Sinterklaas cookies out for Santa when he came. LOL

Anonymous said...

It was Christmas 1977. We had our 1st son Dec. 9th. (tomorrow) I had to be in the hospital for 9 days. He was 9lbs and so cute. He looked like a little man with lots of hair. His birth made that our best Christmas. He was our gift. Nancy Schurger

Laurie said...

I must have been about 6 or 7 when I got my Mary Lou Retton workout outfit and cassette tape. Another Christmas I got an ice skating scribe (to make figure 8s on the ice). These were things that I really wanted and was surprised and felt spoiled when I got them. Another wonderful memory was getting new-to-me used ice skates when we would go to visit my grandmother and all the times that my mother has made the wonderful treats for each of us (getting to pick one treat that we wanted her to make).

Phyllis said...

One of my favorite Christmas gifts of childhood was the soundtrack to the movie Oklahoma. It was on 45rpm records and I thought I was hot stuff as I sang along with every song. I also got a 45rpm (only) record player from my sister. She had won it playing bingo. We always got either an apple or an orange in our stocking so I borrowed my dad's stocking when I was real young so it would fit. Maybe we didn't have much back in the 1950's but it was a very happy time for me. Actually now is a happy time for me too so I really am blessed . Then there was that time I got the boy doll (my last doll). I sure loved that guy. I named him Tommy. I guess it was inevitable I should find and marry a Tom. Phyllis

DDD said...

My favorite memory of Christmas is how my mom seemed to make every Christmas special no matter what. I come from a large family and we didn't have a lot, but my mom always managed to make it so memorable. She passed away last year, so somehow Christmas just doesn't feel the same.

Sandi said...

My favorite memory is my senior year of hight school. I wanted a new wooden clarinet (I continued music in college) and my parents kept telling me they couldn't afford it. I opened other presents; clothes, etc. and tried to not act disappointed because I knew money was tight. After the last present was opened, my mother asked me to get something our of a closet for her. You guessed it, my new clarient. I still have it and even play it from time to time.

Meadowlark Days said...

I have to say it was probably finally getting a Cabbage Patch doll! I waited a long time for one of those.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Christmas was one where I got a new pair of lace up boots from my Grandma! I wanted it wrap in blue paper for some reason, so I had a package under the tree and I knew what it was or so I thought. I went to open it Christmas eve and it was a stack of old magazines!! She had tricked me and my real present was under her bed, and I was my boots!!!

Leah said...

Leah is annoymous

Anonymous said...

The gift I remember the most is the baby doll I got. I must have been under 10, but still to this day, when I smell a new baby doll, it takes me back.

Anonymous said...

My Mom always made Christmas so special. She decorated, baked, sewed and had extra people to join us for Christmas dinner. We always got so many presents and we couldn't believe it. My Mom loved Christmas. One year I remember getting a quilt and clock for my room and I just loved it. I had the quilt for over 25 years and it finally fell apart. When we were little Mom would give us little girls $5.00 to buy presents for the 7 members of our family. My just older sister and I would combine our $5.00 to make $10.00 and Mom would take us out in the evening when they had moonlight madness and we would do all our shopping that night. It was so much fun. I really miss my Mom and especially at this time of year. Nancy Schurger

Kim Ball said...

When I was I think 9 years old we went to CO. There was a doll store there where all the dolls looked so real- eyes that opened and closed (and not the creepy ones!) hand painted faces with rosy cheeks, matching shoes,dress,and hair accessories- they had it all. I knew if I asked for one for Christmas it would be the only gift I received that year, but I didn't care! On Christmas morning, sitting under the tree waiting for me was my "Sarah" doll. I have her to this day, and maybe one day I will have a little girl to pass her down to!

Anonymous said...

Thanks,WOW! I won!!! I so seldom win!Will brave the cold and come to see you! Thanks you, for so much fun!..........
I come from an extra large family,
and am an Army brat so Christmas at Grama and Granpa's was anytime of year that we could be home. When it was really Christmas, it was a true gift just to be with everyone, lots of goodies and lots of people who adored you...
My second best(2) gifts were a Tiny Tears doll and an iron that really worked!(warmed,not hot) Tiny Tears wet on everyone and I could iron all her clothes or anyones that would let me. Tiny Tears was lost in a shipping,one move but I still have the iron.
It still works 55 years later!....
Holidays are still special and being together is still the best gift.

Jan Williams said...

My favorite memory as a child is going to one Grandmother's house after church on Christmas day and then going to the other Grandmother's house that night. The childhood gift I remember the the most is a tiny proclein tea set that I got for my dolls. Although, I did have to share with my sisters.

Sarah said...

My favorite Christmas memory is decorating Christmas cookies with my grandma.She was a fine artist and made everything beautiful. I have carried on this tradition with my own family and once a year we get together to decorate "Grandma Phoebe" cookies. We have a friendly decorating contest, hard to decide the winner with all the artists in our house.
My favorite Christmas gift was when I was in second grade. I got a Chatty Cathy doll

Karen Rypkema said...

Hey Kathy! My favorite Christmas memory was when all my family and some extended family went to Missouri where my aunts live and rented a cabin there on the Lake of the Ozarks. There was probably 15 of us total and we got caught in a terrible ice-storm--you could not even step outside or you would fall, the pipes froze in the house and the toilets did not even work for two days! Even the electricity was off and on every few hours. My mom was trying to create the perfect Christmas and all my dad and us kids could do was make disgusting toilet jokes! I laughed so hard my stomach hurt for a week. The whole thing was such a fiasco it ended up being ridiculously funny and in the end we were essetnially trapped so we played games all weekend had great food and every window framed the most brilliant winter wonderland you have ever seen. It really was the perfect Christmas and one I will never forget.