Wednesday, October 9, 2013

LYB's Vintage Summer layout

Totally slipped my mind to post the amazing sketch by Karan Gerber.  I apologize...I have been so busy with a million little things that it just slipped my mind.

Sharing a layout created for Scraptown Lady today...created with the gorgeous Vintage Summer line from Little Yellow Bicycle!
Winter will soon be upon us and it already hit hard back home, Fall never lasts long this layout is my Farewell to Summer!  
Played with some Gelatos again..definitely a learning curve on them.  Not so sure if I love them on this page or not, but they do add a bit more color and interest.
Thanks for stopping by today 
and you can find the supplies I used here:
LYB Navy Tin Floral


Lisa Rukin Swift said...

Beautiful work with the LYB and the gelatos!

Unknown said...

Love, love this layout! fun, vintage, modern all at the sametime!

Unknown said...

Sweet page and super sweet picture!

Patti J said...

Cathy, this is beautiful - I, too, love this collection! It's pretty AND fun! I'll be creating lots more with LYB papers! I didn't realize that is where you live - we've watched the news, and oh my oh my oh guys got hammered and it's only fall!!! Thanks for sharing, and stay warm!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

This is sooooooooo beautiful! I love love love the colors, the layers and the flowers!!!