Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thursday and Saturday Classes

Here are the photos to go along with the classes! Call 721-7529 to reserve your spot or email artplay@rushmore.com!

PMS Thursday Night, 6:00 pm, Cost is $15.00! Please bring scissors and adhesive to class! Beautiful!!

Easter Goodies, Saturday, April 3! Cost is $10.oo. Please bring scissors and adhesive to class! 10:00, 12:00 and 2:00!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thursday and Saturday Classes

April 1, Thursday! P.M.S. Night! Pizza, M&M's and scrapping!

Due to popular demand the Alcohol Inked Egg Class is back on Thursday Night, 6:00 p.m., Cost is $15.00. Please bring scissors and adhesive to class!

I had to turn people a way last week, so I figured I could do it again! 6 alcohol inked egss in a cute egg cartons. I can't get my pretty picture of just the eggs to load from last week, but they are gorgeous, as you all know! Call 721-7529 to reserve your spot or email artplay@rushmore.com
Saturday, April 3! 4 projects for $10.00. I will load photos tomorrow as I forgot to bring my camera! We will be making a bunny fry box, a hershey kiss holder, a little peep bag and a mini album made from clear bags! Please bring scissors and adhesive to class! I will do a variety of times, 10:00. 12:00, 2:00! Call 721-7529 or email artplay@rushmore.com.
Also, Heather will have her Stamps from Skipping Stones here all week! I will be featuring two of her sets in the 4 projects for $10.00 class! Such wonderful designs...she's one talented lady!
Through the week her stamps will be buy 3 sets get one free!! Stop by and check them out and check in tomorrow when I post the pictures of the class!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Mind's Eye Lil' Robots

The cutest line with robots. Great brads and ribbons...you can recycle and use the ribbon holder later. MME has the greatest brads! Cute diecuts!
Adorable chipboard!

All of the paper is double sided with fabulous "B" Sides!

The "B" sides are fantastic, great for masculine cards or pages!!

Stop by and get your robot fix..one of the hottest trends of the year!!
Remember the MME Challenge Number 9...blast from the past contest??!?! I had four people participate and submit their entries to MME. It was a ton of fun, the sketch was great. Sketches are a great way to push yourself to step out of your box and throw your name in a contest or two! You are all great scrappers and you have chances to win great prizes!
For the 4 of you that entered...Leah, Carol, Beth Ann and Michelle...I have a copy of the new Mini Albums Magazine from Northridge Media for you! Just stop by and pick up your prize!
I appreciate you guys playing along and look forward to do more challenges with all of you!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cards for Luke

On Wednesday, March 10, 2010 the life of the Hansen family was changed forever when their active 7 year old son, Luke, was diagnosed with a brain stem glioma or a fancy name for a brain tumor. He has undergone 5 days of radiation and steroids in hopes to shrink the tumor and give him some mobility back. This is devastating for the whole family and we are praying for them. Luke has a rough road ahead of him for quite awhile.

One thing we can do to help is to send cards to Luke and his family to encourage them, give them strength, and let them know how many people are thinking and praying for them. The most generous and kind people in the world are scrappers and card makers, so Angie Walter and I thought we'd have a Cards for Luke Card Drive.

Think of how much it would encourage this family to receive cards from all of you. You can simply drop the cards off to me. Angie and I will box them up and pay to send them Luke's parents.

The details:

Cards can be for any member of Luke's Family:

Luke (age 7)- The sweet little boy who is battling cancer.

Big sister Kristian (21) and her husband Joesph.

Big sister Jasmyn (16)

Big Brother Logan (10)

Big Sister Tori (8)

Mom Barb and Dad Bill (Barb is the principal for the Hurley School District and Bill is a teacher/coach in Hurley!

Cards can be anything cheery, encouraging, supportive, etc. Luke is a huge sports fan, he loves all sports and especially basketball. They are a family of God, so feel free to share messages of Faith. Anyone can send a card-even your children!

Please write a message in the card and sign your name and where your are from. On the card, envelope, please write the name of who the card is for (Luke, Kristian and Joesph, Jasmyn, Logan, Tori, Bill and/or Barb). Also, please don't seal the envelope, as Luke's parents might want to preview the cards before the kids see them.

You can bring gifts of stickers, color books, anything you would like to help Luke on his difficult journey. Angie and I will take care of all the shipping!

There is no time limit...we will mail them as we get them! I would like to have some to mail here very soon!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thursday and Saturday Class Update

Thursday Night PMS (pizza, m&m's, scrapping) 6:00 pm. Cost is $15.00. Please bring scissors and adhesive! Just thought I would updated you on the adorable egg cartons! We will be making six alcohol inked eggs and decorating the egg carton! Very fun, you're going to love it!!
Here is update of the samples for Saturday's class! Heather will be here with her stamps and teaching a great technique class with Gamsol and colored pencils! Beautiful water color technique! Gorgeous! Class is at 11:00 and 2:00! Heather will also have a special on her stamps , buy 3 sets get one free! We will be making 3 cards! This is a technique class and you are going to love it! Cost is $15.00.

Call 721-7529 or email artplay@rushmore.com!

Prayers needed please...

I just wanted to let you know that Kara's mom is very ill. Kara flew to Spokane on Sunday to be with her. I know Kara and her family would appreciate all the love and prayers that can be sent their way! Thanks so much!

Love and miss you Kara, hang in there! All my love and prayers!

Scenes from the Dog Park

Just sharing scenes from Dog Park! Everyone and their dog (literally) was there! We had a great time...Sam loved it! I didn't get any shots of Sam though!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Next week's Classes

PMS Thursday Night, March 25 at 6:00pm! Alcohol Ink Easter Eggs! Cost is $15.00! Call 721-7529 or email artplay@rushmore.com to reserve your spot!

Come join the fun on Thursday night's and get in on the tradition here at the Playground of Alcohol Inking your Easter Eggs. We've been doing it for 3 years now and it's always a huge hit!
This year we will be using the New Bright Alcohol Inks, we will make six eggs and decorate a clear egg carton to hold them! (They haven't arrived yet, but will be here very soon!) Hard to believe I get so excited over the little things in life, like clear plastic egg cartons that hold six eggs! But it almost makes me giddy with excitement...so many possibilities!! Believe me, Jon and Steve think Angie and I are NUTS!!!
Please bring scissors and adhesive to class as we will be decorating the top of the egg carton!
Saturday, March 27 at 11:00 Heather Englebretson from Skipping Stones Designs will be here with stamps and teaching a fun technique with Gamsol! We will be making 3 cards, as it is a technique that takes some time). Cost is $15.00. Please call 721-7529 or email artplay@rushmore.com to reserve your spot! Please bring scissors and adhesive to class!
Also, Heather will have a special on her stamps buy three sets get one set free!! They are so cute and so much fun! You'll love them!

I wanted to share a layout with you for the MME challenge that Carol shared with us! Too cute..love the bright fun colors from the new MME Quite Contrary Collection! Plus, I have a soft spot in my heart for Westies! Toby is so cute!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pam is the lucky winner of Lucky Me!

Congrats Pam! Pam Scott?? If so, I can send your kit to Pierre or if your out here in the next few days, you can swing by anytime to pick it up! Thanks for playing a long! Always fun!

Little Yellow Bicycle has the greatest stuff! If you took St. Patrick's Day photos you have to get these papers..gorgeous and make sure to stop by really soon to see the Fresh Print Clothesline. It's incredible!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Want to win some green???

Do you want to win some Little Yellow Bicycle Lucky Me?? Leave a comment for what your favorite green food is and your name will go in the drawing to win a kit! Kara says vegetables don't count!!!!

My favorite green food would be Watergate Salad! Total yum!
Kara's favorite---pistachios!!

Lucky me is wonderful, gorgeous paper...the most amazing quality and wait until you see the new line from Little Yellow Bicycle~Fresh Print Clothesline! Beautiful, soft, springy line! It's soooooooo pretty!!! I added their blog to the list on the left..so make sure to check them out!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

PMS Thursday Night, 6:00 pm...Little Yellow Bicycle Envelope Album

Okay, so I finished my mini envelope album! Love it! Amazing papers, fun tags! Great class! You can add your own photos, tons of spots, on the back of the envelopes and the back of the tags. Great journaling prompts! You can do a yellow or gray cover. I white washed it a bit, added the tulle, ribbon, rub on and butterfly! All included in class!

Cost is $15.00, scissors, adhesive and a crop a dile are needed for this class! Call 721-7529 or email artplay@rushmore.com to reserve your spot!

Monday, March 15, 2010

PMS Thursday Night and Saturday Classes

PMS Thursday Night (Pizza, M&M's, and Scrapping), Little Yellow Bicycle Fresh Print Clothesline Mini Envelope Album! Cost is $15.00! Please bring scissors, adhesives, and a brown catseye ink!
A fun class! It won't look quite like this~ this is a stock photo! It just arrived today, so I need chance to play! It's a beautiful, soft spring line!! You are going to love this line..it will be out for you to see on class night!
5 envelopes, 5 tags, chipboard covers and the clasp closures! Come play, it'll be fun!!
Call 721-7529 or email artplay@rushmore.com to reserve your spot!

Saturday, March 20 at 11:00 and 2:00! Jenni Bowlin and Lush Cards! Cost is $15.00! Please bring scissors, adhesive and brown cats eye ink to class! Call 721-7529 or email artplay@rushmore.com to reserve your spot!

We will be making five beautiful cards with Jenni Bowlin butterflies and the new Lush line from My Mind's Eye! The perfect sentiments on these and the fun little gift bag to store them in or give as a gift! Simple, elegant cards!!!