Sharing just five of my favorite shots from Chicago, only 350 more to go!
The moon rising over Lake Michigan, it was a beautiful night for a cruise. We had so much fun and learned so much.

The fun and beauty of Navy Pier.

How gorgeous is this? Love this shot of the Flags at Navy Pier!!!

The fabulous Vicki Chrisman at the Crafty Secrets booth. Love her!

And of course the adorable Tim shot!!

Lots more to come, although the pictures do not do the displays justice, but you with get the general idea of it. I wish you could have seen the creativity and beauty of CHA. The creativity abounds like none other I have ever seen. Inspiring and challenging. It's all about feeding and nourishing your creative soul!
Awww, how cute is Tim and that smile on your face when your standing with him! CUTE!
Looks like loads of fun.
Of course I'll be stalking your blog for the other 350 photos!
Glad you're back.
We missed you.
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