Friday, December 11, 2009

3 Make and Takes and 25% off Store Wide Sale

3 make and takes on Saturday, December 12 and 25% off store wide! (Discount does not apply to punch cards or customer appreciation cards)

The adorable gift card holder!
Turn inexpensive hot chocolate packets into cute little Christmas treats!

Plus, a great card and envelope from Teresa Collins using the Scor-it Board!

Come in, take a minute to play and save 25% store wide!


Anonymous said...

Wish I had a scor it to do this project at home

Cathy said...

you are hilarious, i'm trying, it must be the pink! By the way your frame is priceless!

Anonymous said...

Lori~ aka anonymous~ quit your whining, that is only saved for me!!! and if you didnt have to be just like me, and have everything pink, you would probably have the scor it @ home

Anonymous said...

Kathy your make and takes on Saturday were so cute. Love that let us do these. Wish I came to town more often. You are the only store I shop at downtown. So for me your store is the only one that counts. Merry Christmas to you and your family!! Nancy Schurger