Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 5 winner and a new prize

Congratulations to Nancy Schurger, she is the winner of the two cuttlebug folders! Stop by anytime and pick up your prize!

Day 6's prize is the December issue of Scrapbook Trends by Northridge Media. Full of great, easy layouts that look spectacular, card ideas and so much more. You will be inspired! They are a must have!!

Today's questions: Real tree or fake tree? If it's a real tree, do you buy it from a lot or do you go out and cut one? Do you do a theme tree or just all of your favorite ornaments from over the years?

We bought a tag to cut our own this year, thought we would go out today, but it's so cold. I don't know if we will go out this afternoon or not! Last couple of years, we have been so busy that we've only done a tiny little fake tree. Even though we are almost busier, I would like to go out and spend the day with my family, take some photos and have a gorgeous tree filled with all the ornaments we have collected over the years. Granted we have three dogs, one of which is a puppy and we have a cat who thinks that Christmas trees are for her. Wish me luck!


Peyton's Mom said...

We have a tag to cut down our own also-not sure when we will have time to do it-so I will probably end up going to the lot and doing it myself.

Anonymous said...

Fake, with the lights already on it. That, along with our GPS have been the purchases that have made our marriage last. :-)
Not themed. The kids both get an ornament a year, and both of us have some from when we were kids.

Good luck with the cat!

Donna said...

With fireplaces we have to use fake. The last time we had a real tree it lost ALL it's needles on the way out the door. We have two theme and one everything tree.
(A day late - Grinch)

Beth said...

Fake or else my allergies would drive me nuts!

Linda Woerth said...

fake with fiber optic lights so don't have string on the lights. No theme, just what ever strikes me when I'm putting it up. I have 30 plus years of decorations so have lots to choose from.

Anonymous said...

Don't include me twice, but Donna, you seriously have three trees? Holy cow. I'd love to see pictures.

Cheri K said...

We "tag our tree". We spend the whole day with the four wheeler and sleds and head out for deerfield area! I love tree hunting...Our ornaments are all wooden- something my in-laws have given all the grandkids every year. And LOTS of lights.. I never seem top make it to the bottom of the tree and end up buying more...

Jan Williams said...

We do a fake tree due to allergies and have ornaments from when we were growing up as well as the ornaments the girls have not claimed yet that they received over the years. A few homemade ones from the girls and my Dad when he was doing woodworking.