Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 10 winner and a new prize

Congrats to Chelsea, she is the winner of the recipe scrapbook! I hope you have a ton of fun with it!
Thanks to all of you, wonderful recipes and memories. So much fun, can't wait to try out some of these fab recipes! Yum!

Day 11 prize and question! The complete Boyfriend Collection from Cosmo Cricket, a great line of papers for back to school, guys and so much more!
Question: Do or did your kid's big gifts come from Santa or you? (Like their main gift) Do you wrap your gifts from Santa or are they under the tree unwrapped?

Our kids main gifts come Santa and Mrs.Claus (she has to get some credit, too), and they are unwrapped under the tree Christmas morning, everything else including the gifts in their stockings are wrapped!

I have lots of prizes that need to be picked up! I'm going to run out of room shortly!
Watch later in the days for this Saturday's Make n Takes!


Beth said...

We don't do any Santa presents, but my little guy told me last week that he had decided Santa and I must have the same job because I put presents under the tree and in the stockings too!

Anonymous said...

I am not a mom....someday if I am lucky:) Anyway, not sure what I would do. My mom was always big into the Santa thing and STILL is. When my sisters and I are home for Christmas, Santa still visits us. Spoiled.

Leah Schwartz said...

We are just starting to get into Santa, and we are letting Santa bring the big things, that way I don't have to wrap it!! As a kid all our presents came from Santa unwrapped, so I am sure I will do the same!!

Anonymous said...

The big gifts generally come from us, (we want the credit) but if it is to the family (wii) then Santa brings it. All things are wrapped. But, Santa wraps in plain red paper and writes with his left hand in a big black marker.
And, when we got married, I informed my husband that Santa will ALWAYS visit me, or else!
Never had to deal with not being at home or alone for Christmas. I think I'd be in a funk.

Linda Woerth said...

Boy its been so long ago now. Seems like Santa gave the big gift and was wrapped. All the stockings were filled. Santa left a goodie in Mrs. Claus's stocking and Mrs Claus left one in his.

Peyton's Mom said...

Hmm I have another wrench in my christmas/santa gifts-I have Peyton's birthday on the 15th-so I am still sorting out the gift giving issue-he gets so much stuff from everyone(being the only grandbaby) not sure he even knows the top of the present from the bottom!

Tessa said...

Santa usually brings small gifts and a game to our house. They are always all wrapped, even the smallest chapstick.
Santa usually has his own wrapping paper and writes just a fist inital on each package so we know who they belong to.

He always brings me great stuff, like he can read my mind or somethin'!

colleen said...

We don't do Santa presents either, but ALL gifts are wrapped because half the fun is seeing if you can guess what's inside!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog~ the big one, thats the one from santa, and hopefully mine is a boyfriend!!! i am sure i will get some old lady socks and maybe an orange or apple. hey, one year he brought me toothpaste! and yes, my kids will get their big gifts from santa. and white tissue paper is the only paper that the north pole has. and yes santa still comes to me and all of the adults in my family~ gma, gpa, aunties, uncles. thanks for the question!

Anonymous said...

ooopps cathy you gotta read my mind again~ kendra oh, by the way my word verification, ben-- so i must be the winner... i feel the vibes... remember i am psychic

Theresa said...

I love Santa, he still comes to our house and we still put out our stockings but only if you're home otherwise it's between you and Santa. One year Santa brought my husband a lovely diamond braclet to give to his wife, Nice Guys!!!
The gifts are usually wrapped and you never know what's going to be in your stocking (usually, a group effort) When our kids were small,
Santa came to the house or grama's
He was sometimes met with some not so crazy fans but once the gift thing kicked in his been an important part of the season!
so every one works on being Nice!

Jan Williams said...

The big gifts come from us but Santa still puts candy and small items in the stockings.

Anonymous said...

Santa's gifts come on Christmas Eve after we are in bed. His gifts are unwrapped, also the stockings are unwrapped. Santa brings the big gift each year. Nancy Schurger

Rea - Whitewood Library said...

Santa still brings a big gift to my boys who are 22, 20 and 16.
The Easter Bunny still comes to our house too. :)