Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bo Bunny Season's Greetings Class, Saturday, December 12

Bo Bunny Christmas Cards, Saturday December 12 at 10:00 and 1:30. Cost is $18.00, please bring scissors and adhesive to class! Call 721-7529 or email artplay@rushmore.com to reserve your spot.
A great class with 9 cards, ranging in size from 6x6 to A2. Super fun, great designs from one of the leaders in the industry. We will be using border punches, stickles and the Big Shot to do some embossing! Okay, not sure if I'm done with this card yet. But, I love the simplicity of it!

Okay, now for the fun! From now until Christmas, I will be giving one prize a day a way. All you have to do is leave a comment on the blog about your Christmas projects this year or those one's you hope to get done! (I have a lot of those!) The blog comments don't require you to have a Google account any longer, anyone can leave a comment and play along!
The first prize is a Figgy Pudding Ornament Kit! It makes 8 beautiful ornaments! Just leave a comment, I will put the number of entries in a random integer website and it'll pick the number, kind of fun!!!
This week, Fancy Pant's Rough and Tumble, Little Sprout and Dancing Girl Lines, 30% off!!!


Peytons Mom said...

hmm I just made 40 freaking milk cartons for my mom! Im prety much done with ANY projects!

Cheri S said...

Where to start!!! I have to do a wedding album for my sister.. and I have not even started..Cheri

Chelsea said...

Projects? I'm such a Grinch this year, I'm lucky I got my Christmas cards done. I do have some bridal shower invites to do though.

Bah Humbug!

Anonymous said...

I just finished making 37 homemade Christmas cards. Let the merry wishes be sent!! Woo Hoo!!

Debbie Schubauer said...

Lots to do - Christmas cards, the little tea bag packets, ornaments that are made from a slice of a branch that is sanded, stamped and colored. I better get busy!

colleen said...

These cards are great, but my cards are going to use the deep red paper you featured on Nov. 17th--love that stuff! Also am doing a mini album for some not so great wedding pictures that are all I have to document the occasion. I'm hoping it turns out successfully!

Beth said...

I've been working since September on paperdolls for my three nieces for Christmas and finally have everything in contact paper and just need to add velcro. It's been fun, but I'll be glad when they are all done! I might have gotten carried away, I've made four dolls and approximately 40 outfits for each set!

Nancy Schurger said...

I have to start my Christmas cards. I have to begin cooking and baking as all my children and grandchildren will be here this Christmas. Also I have started, but haven't finished my family history project.

CardMaven said...

I'm working on my Christmas projects in Memphis. Home to RC soon!

Linda Woerth said...

Still need to get my cards done, so many ideas and so little time to do it all.

Unknown said...

I don't know if this is the way to enter the contest but for Christmas giving I took my wonderful tree stamps and used them to create little 4x6 watercolors. Used paint and watercolor crayons to color in wintery skies, sunrises, etc. Put into silvery inexpensive frames. Very nice keepsake especially for people in So. California who never see snow.

Theresa said...

Thanks always for the Great Inspirations! I love,love, love the Holidays!There is never enough time no matter how soon I start and then we find something else to try! Ya!
This week.. Finish cards (70,but am under way just need to wrap it up and mail! this week )Start the Decorating..Lights are up outside Ya!Need to make up my mind.. or a theme?or scheme! The star class will Help!!More to do!

Phyllis said...

Does anyone ever get done with Christmas preparations before it is here? I always have more projects I want to do but they can wait until next year. I do simple neighbor gifts. Sometimes baking, sometimes popcorn balls, sometimes coffee. One of my favorites was popped corn with melted almond bark and broken candy canes mixed in it. I found cute metal maskets shaped like snowmen that year. Phyllis