Monday, December 7, 2009

Here's a picture of what you could create with the cute little bungalow from Maya Road! Today's give a way! It's even got a little chipboard album that fits inside! Leave a comment on the entry below! Just wanted to inspire you a little! Too cute!


Anonymous said...

Too stinkin' cute!

DDD said...

My kids(6 and 9) are a little hesitant to see Santa at the mall. My 9y.o. is catching on to "Mom and Dad are Santa" a little too quickly. Last Christmas he remarked how Santa's handwriting looked alot like mine! They don't miss a thing!

jjholdaway said...

way cute. my 9 week old saw santa and didnt cry!

Peyton's mom said...

wow that is cute and it is red!

Sarah said...

That is really darling, I wish I thought of it.
Thanks Cathy!
Sarah M