Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 11 winner and a new prize

Rea is the winner of the Boyfriend Collection from Cosmo Cricket! Congrats to you! It will be perfect collection for you having two boys!

Today's prize is two different sizes of Doodlebug Houses. Very fun! Decorate for your own decor! Make Christmas houses or villas! They are adorable and so much fun!!! A great family project!

An easy question (maybe, maybe not): Have you been Naughty or Nice? Details please!
Today's question suggested my Nancy Shurger! This should be interesting!!!


Anonymous said...

it depends! i am always nice, but i can be a naughty nice girl!! ha ha ha. truth be told i have been naughty! i have not stuck to any of my rules that i should stick to, but hey, what fun is that!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully donations..Barbie for a little girl....donated blood...and looking for more to help out

Peyton's Mom said...

hmm I think that I have been pretty perfect my whole life!

Peyton's Mom said...

an addition to my post above-the only reason I think that I have been pretty close to perfect is that I usually always get what I want for christmas EXCEPT that damn easy bake oven!

Anonymous said...

I've been naughty. It's the reason my husband doesn't take me work dinners. He never knows what I might say. Or do. Actually, I CAN act very well behaved, if I WANT to.

Linda Woerth said...

Nice I think

Theresa said...

My sweet, 4yr old, Granddaughter wrote Santa, inquired about Mrs.Claus and the reindeer and what they would be doing after the Holidays.... then wrote a pretty simple list and signed it...
a very nice girl, Alyn. (she wrote this herself) I was impressed!
They call her Little Theresa! Sweeet!(I don't think it was suppose to be a compliment :)
She, like me is usually very chatty, congenial and can clearly state her case. She has wielded a pair of scissors/glue stick and a true scrapper since 18mo.old. She adored, can you tell?
Sooo... Just how damn Nice do you have to be for some little, round elf guy, who is always making a laundry list of have to do's or you don't get whatever, BIG???
Grama, Granpa, Uncle Boo,Uncle Jack
or Tata would gladly be a far easier touch.
But yikes! Was this suppose to be about me...?
"Be Nice" was my Mother's matra to me... I would always reply " I am Nice.." Even during the Holidays, Nice as I can be sugared up and stressed out making sure the fantasy is perfect!!!
This year,I did the kids stuff early and then what I wanted to do... Santa or not...
Painted, scrapped and bloged!!.....(still have a week to get the tree up,decorate and bake before the herd arrives)No one will even know,
oh, ya...sweet hubby the painter!but he get the best part of naughty

Theresa,a very NICE GIRL.. Ho,Ho,Ho

Theresa said...


I have longivity with Santa.60yrs,
Oldest sister and Mom of 5 with a
few extras, who wrote a fair share of notes to Santa!
This year I need to leave him a note that you deserve something extra,really,Nice for having such
a fun forum for the Holidays!
Thanks so very much...

Anonymous said...

What can I say. I try to be nice all the time (isn't always easy). I do have some bad or mean thoughts, but that's what confession is for -- right? As for naughty, I'm sure I was at times when I was younger. Hard to believe right? Now I just save the naughty for my husband in the bedroom. Did I really say that? Yes, I did. See I'm naughty right now. Maybe too much information. Who came up with this question? I bet she's mean. Nancy Schurger