Wednesday, December 30, 2009

First Class of 2010 and photos to share

There is still time to leave a comment and get in on the drawing for the $20.00 gift certificate to the store. You can just leave a comment on this entry and I will pick a winner tomorrow, New Year's Eve Day!

Here's the first class of 2010:
My Mind's Eye Winter Cards, Saturday, January 9 at 11:00 am! Cost is $15.00! Call 721-7529 or email to reserve your spot! Basic tool kit required!

One on the new changes here at the Playground is that you will need to bring a basic kit with you to class: scissors, a paper trimmer, various adhesives (tape runner, glue dots, glue pen, pop dots and scor-tape) catseye ink in brown and black! Just a basic tool kit really! (We probably won't need everything you bring, but it's nice to have just in case. You won't always need a paper trimmer or catseye inks, but if you need them you'll have them.) You are welcome to bring your crop a dile, paper piercers, tweezers and what ever makes life easier for you. Just have your initials on them. As we all know, adhesives are one of the most expensive components of our hobby. By bringing a basic tool kit, you help me keep my costs down! If you need to bring any other supplies to class, I will let you know! You can purchase all of supplies here, if you forget them.

Okay, enough about that, back to the fun winter cards! We will be using lots of punches, and the cuttlebug. You will definitely want a glue pen or your xryon x box for this one! Lots of little detail letters and such! Great class, great designs for thank you's, thinking of you and just great little everyday cards!!

Can't get this one to flip the right way, but you get it, right??

Wanted to leave you with some images of last Tuesday night before Christmas, with amazing frost we had. I had a ton of fun taking these with my new camera in the freezing cold. It was so gorgeous!

Don't forget....huge 50% off pre-inventory sale on Saturday, January 2! Doors open at 10:00 am! Everything must go before inventory!!!!!


Jan W. said...

AWESOME! Winter pictures like that really touch my heart. I really like winter pictures but not the cold. Hope you have an awesome day as well.

Chelsea said...

Oh I really like those cards! Can you do a kit? I'll be at the crop in Pierre w/ Scrappin' Ladies.

Rhonda Wood said...

I WILL be there for the sale I just have to use my 2 gift certificates they have been SCREAMING at my from my purse "Rhonda PLEASE spend us!!" LOL Hope you have a great New Year's Eve and Day and I will see you on the second!! Hugs~R~

Cathy said...

I can make you a kit, no problem! The crop in Pierre, should be fun!

Lisa Wilson said...

Love your pictures of the frost. Mine didn't come out as great as yours.

Chelsea said...

YEA! A kit! Thanks!!! I'm stoked now. I'll get the killer cards & fun at the crop!

StayC said...

Those pictures are awesome! Thanks for sharing. :o)
Your sale makes me contemplate driving 260 miles in subzero temps and multiple feet of snow to attend!!! Dang, I need to move closer! But, Dang! guys get too much snow! LOL!
Happy New Year....can't wait to make it back that way.

Nicole said...

Am excited about your sale! :) Hope you had a nice Christmas and that you have a fun New Year's!