Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 3's winner, new prize, new paper

Congratulations to Theresa, she's the winner of Day 3! Congratulations! She was here last night for the snowflake class. It was a great class and good time! Pick up your prize anytime!
Today's prize is Fancy Pants Transparencies from their Christmas Magic line. 3 transparencies, a sticker sheet, rub ons and some papers!
Leave a comment on the blog, (this post), and you could win!
Lifting the idea from Cosmo Cricket's wonderful blog yesterday, what do you do for your neighbors for Christmas? Cookies, crafting, a bottle of wine????

Bonus points go out to Kara for picking up a Creme Brulee coffee for me yesterday! You rock!

Sharing the new arrivals from yesterday, this line is beautiful and the greatest weight of paper. (You guys know how fussy I am about paper weight)

Bo Bunny's Tis The Season


Mary said...

Last night I made a few Christmas cards. I used up all the extra rub-ons and paper scraps to make gift tags. I was happy there were no leftovers to put away.

Jennifer said...

Usually it is some sort of goodie plate. I haven't decided what tit will be yet this year. Guess I should start thinking about that.

ScrappyT said...

I like to put together a tray of homemade cookies and candies and take it to my neighbors. My kids like it too, because then they get leftover treats.
Kara, it doesn't look like your bribe worked!

Rhonda Wood said...

I make cookies and lil treats.. put them in bags and deliver them to the neighbors on my street. Just my little way of trying to get into heaven.. LORD knows I have to at least TRY to keep the marks for and against me even.... somehow I don't think I am gaining much for the "good" side... LOL

Anonymous said...

Jelly... Crabapple..Yum....

Cheri S

Anonymous said...

Jelly.... Crabapple... yum,.

Cheri S

Michelle said...

I bake for my neighbors who rarely bake for themselves. This year I am going to try Choc Chip Cream Cheese Coffee Cake. Can't wait!

Unknown said...

I have a favorite neighbor whose girls are 7 and 10. For a gift, I have the girls over to my house to do whatever craft project(s) they want to do--alcohol inks, card-making, stamping, painting with watercolor pencils and crayons, mini-albums, etc. They have a lot of fun and I enjoy watching their creativity.

Susan said...

Just finished up the cards for the company Christmas paper. I would love to try the rub ons

Peyton's Mom said...

I was going to make milk cartons but that is out of he question...still deciding

Linda Woerth said...

Not sure what I'll treat my neighbors with this year. Maybe some homemade goodies. I have some real nice neighbors.

Chelsea said...

Is it bad if I don't know my neighbors?

Debbie S said...

Usually something crafty. This year I'm thinking a plate of cookies with one of your tea bag holders and a couple of teabags (to go with the cookies). Unless you come up with an even neater papercraft - than I'll switch to that!

Anonymous said...

I usually take one or two of the following: a plate of homemade truffles, a plate of 4-5 different kinds of cookies or a tin of caramel corn over. I've got plenty of neighbors I still need to meet, so this will be a good way to do it. Since the caramel corn is the easiest to make ALOT of, it will probably be that.

Have a great day.

p.s. The snowflake class was fun!

Meadowlark Days said...

I bake - sometimes banana bread!

Stamp in Sturgis said...

Home made peanut brittle...none better anywhere!!!!!

Stamp in Sturgis said...

home made peanut brittle

colleen said...

Our traditional friends and neighbors gift is a tin of homemade caramel corn. It is a big treat, made only at Christmas. We've done this ever since my kids were young, and as they move out, the next one takes up the tradition. I think that this is the last year--I'm all out of kids!

Anonymous said...

I usually bake sugar cookies and make fudge. This year be even more fun since my three year old can help...she loves to bake!


Jan Williams said...

I am still thinking on what to do for my neighbor's. Maybe cookies, candies, and cards. Not sure yet.

BarbN said...

We give homemade summer sausage and some homemade candy, typically caramels or cookies to our neighbors - actually getting some of that done this weekend in preparation.

thestormyone said...

shop, bake,shop, shop, bake, stamp, shop, distress ink, shop, sleep,work. shop again... i have soo many fires burning... i make literally 100s of holiday cookies every year. i got so tim projects going on. i am making snowflakes to hang from the ceiling at work. and i have SHOPPED.... spoiled kids, oops.... that is ME!!

Laurie said...

Last year I did a "Few of My Favorite Things" basket and had my favorite lotion (Arbonne), favorite soup and beer bread (Tastefully Simple), and I can't remember the other goodies. This year I need to go cheaper and I'll probably do some homemade goodies and the offer to babysit.