Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 6 winner and a new prize

Congratulations to Beth, she is the winner of the December issue of Scrapbook Trends! Stop by when you get a chance.

The prize for day number 7, Maya Road Bungalow and Villa chipboard set. Great chipboard houses from Maya Road, complete with a mini album that fits inside. This villa actually fits a square box of kleenex inside and pulls out the chimney. Fun projects to decorate for the holidays and give as special gift!

Today's question: Do you take your kids or did you take your kids to see Santa? Did you like to go see Santa when you were little?
My kids have never cared to sit on Santa's lap or have their photo taken with him! Both of them hated it and scared them to death! My son, who is 22 almost 23, still hates clowns in fact. Freaks him out, feels the same way about Mall Santa's and such. As for Maxenzi, she's just too shy!
They both get it from me, because I never wanted to sit on Santa's lap when I was little! Just send my list to the North Pole. Much less traumatic!


Peyton's Mom said...

hmm I still have not won anything! Peyton HATES santa-not sure if he will like him once he figures out that he brings the gifts-now clowns are spooky I think!

Cheri K said...

we have a family picture taken with Santa.. None of my kids really like him so we have to serve as a buffer between them and Santa.

Anonymous said...

We just saw Santa while in Vancover, he came it off a boat!! It was freezing cold, then we stood in line so Alex could sit on his lap, and then he cried!! He did ask for a John Deere tracker though!!

Anonymous said...

I still make the kids take pictures with Santa. It's their duty as children of a scrapbook mom to do it.
When my son was little, he hated Santa, so until he figured it out, we just had him kind of stand by his sister "near" Santa.
I suppose this year we'll have to REALLY bribe them since they are 13 and 15.

Linda Woerth said...

I lived in the Seattle area when my kids were little, so we would take them to Fredricks and Nelsons to have their picture taken with Santa. They always had the best looking santa's and did a fantastic job with the photo's. The Grandparents back here in SD really looked forward to getting the photo's every year. Last year my son was back in WA over Christmas and was Santa for the Day Care kids for a friend of his. He made a good looking Santa, and loved doing it.

Tessa said...

My kids always get a picture with Santa. They are both fine with it. Canyon is sometimes a little leary, but whatever his sister does, he will do. The Easter Bunny on the other hand, doesn't have a chance!

Chelsea said...

I have no kids to take but my little sis w/ big brothers/big sisters and I go see Santa. I'm just a big kid after all. I love it!!!

Laurie said...

I take the younger 2 to see Santa, and the one in the mall looks the most realistic with the real beard. The youngest didn't care for him last year, but would stand next to him. Of course this year there is no stranger, so no doubt that he'll sit on his lap.

Kristen said...

We used to take the kids to see Santa. They all think they are too old now.

Rhonda Wood said...

Morgan has always wanted to sit with Santa In fact when we were in Tennessee Morgi my sister and I had a picture taken with him.