Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 4 winner and a new prize and question

Jennifer (ambushed) is the winner of Day 4, all kinds of Fancy Pant's Christmas Magic fun! Congratulations!
Day 5's prize is two cuttlebug embossing folders, Holly Ribbons and Christmas Trees! I love using embossing folders, they make everything come together and just add that little extra something to your project! Leave a comment on this post and you could win!

Today's question: What's you favorite Holiday Movie or TV Show? Mine, Charlie Brown's Christmas! Love it, love Snoopy! Have you seen the Charlie Brown Christmas trees that Walgreen's has? My son, Alex, says that's what we need this year! It's kind of cute! Might have to get him one.

Play along, it's fun! This is what blogging is all about, communicating! I'm learning so much about all of you, and we are all getting great ideas from each other! Kind of fun, don't you think?


Michelle said...

My favorite Christmas movie is National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It's a classic!

Linda Woerth said...

I like Scrooge, there has been so many variations over the years to it but the meaning of giving at Christmas is the same on all of them.

Beth said...

My favorite this time of year is always The Sound of Music!

Danielle Flanders said...

Mine is Frosty the Snowman! Love it!

Tessa said...

Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas! We watched it every Christmas when I was a kid, my dad used some of the one-liners from the movie all the time.
I actually found it on DVD at Borders last Christmas and bought one for myself and one for my sister.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Christmas movie is Miracle on 34th St. Al least, I think it's 34th St. It's such a clasic and makes me feel.

DDD said...

I, too love Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. These usually would be on during my birthday (Dec. 13) which created a lot of fond memories for me when I was young.

Lisa said...

Charlie Brown's Christmas is one of my all-time favorites. But last weeks's Hallmark's "A Dog named Christmas" was really good.
Lisa Wilson

Lisa Wilson said...

Charlie Brown's Christmas is one of the best. Hallmark had one last week "A Dog Named Christmas" that was really good.
Lisa Wilson

Debbie S said...

I love the "Love Comes Softly" series - it's always on at Christmas time on Hallmark. Actually I love all the Hallmark and Lifetime Christmas movies.

colleen said...

My favorite is It's a Wonderful Life--an oldie, but goody!

Anonymous said...

I've got two.
White Christmas with Bing Crosby (has anyone else noticed that he just kind of tosses his gift in the tree?) and The Christmas Story.
I SOOOOOOOOOO want a leg lamp!
Tessa, I might have to look that movie up. Never even heard of it.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Brown is on top of my list followed by The Nativity Story that came out a few years back. We've watched it with our kids every year since.

Kristen said...

Okay I left the last comment about Charlie Brown and the Nativity Story but didn't sign my post. I will this time...a blonde moment!

Mrs. C said...

I love the movie with Sandra Bullock - While You Where Sleeping. Not a traditional Christmas movie, but I love it all the same.

kanga2joey said...

My favorite Christmas movie is It's a Wonderful Life. I don't think they make movies like that anymore.

Anonymous said...

My favorite all time movie is It's A Wonderful Life. It stars Jimmy Stewart,Donna Reed and Lionel Barrymore. I could watch it everyday. Infact I used to watch it almost everyday during the holidays when it was on TV. They don't show it as often during the holidays now adays. So I bought the movie in black and white of course. And yes, I have enjoyed reading everyones comments. Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Nancy Schurger

Chelsea said...

Mine would be a toss up between National Lampoons Christmas Vacation and Christmas Story. "Ralphie, you'll shoot your eye out!"

Anonymous said...

I Love How the Grinch Stole Christmas.. The one with Jim Carey.... And my kids like watching Elf.. Pretty funny too.. And around here when we get stuck on a movie we watch it over and over and over and over.... again and again!!!

Cheri S

TammiK said...

My favorite is Christmas Story. Have to love how worried the kids were to be caught saying the wrong thing. Be careful or "You'll shoot your eye out!"

TammiK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stamp in Sturgis said...

Christmas Vacatin......I laugh every time I see it

Rhonda Wood said...

My favorite is The Grinch with Jim Carrey

Sandy Hissam said...

My favorite movie is the Christmas Story and also I watched the movie about the dog named Christmas....that was a very good movie.