Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 17 winner and a new prize

Congrats to Kendra! She wins the Cuttlebug Folders!! Way to Go! That works our perfectly...the stormyone has found an new appreciation for cuttlebug folders and cardmaking!

Day 18 prize and today's question: An assortment of felt flowers from Prima, Creative Imaginations and Queen & Company!!

Do you ever regift and what's the worst regift you've ever got (I think we all know when something's been regifted.)


Peyton's Mom said...

you know what-I have never received a regift-the elves like me! Way to go on yesterday's question-hilarious-today should be good too!

thestormyone said...

YIPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i am so happy so happy !!!! woohoo woohoo woohoo woohoo!!REGIFTED??? yeah not s0 much for me. i am a horder, so hey who knows when you may need something. THANKSSSSS

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have regifted. Sometimes I donate it, otherwise it would just sit around my house forever.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have been given regifted items. A person I used to be close with used to do this and also shopped the pat rat for her gifts. She said she heard it was ok to do this. I have regifted gifts (new ones) that I have been given if it wasn't something I could use. Not very often as I usually love everything. Nancy Schurger

Anonymous said...

I think it just happened to me today! We have secret pals at school and I have been giving her a small gift each Monday and her big Christmas gift today. One of the small gifts I gave was a Christmas mug with instant cocoa, apple cider and some other things. Today, I got a Christmas mug with a snowman and the instant cocoa and apple cider. It may just be coincidence but I think my secret pal is my secret pal!

Cara said...

I cant lie...I do regift. I have lots of girls in my house so we get ALOT of Bath and Body works. We love it, but there is sooo much that we do use it as gifts occasionally.

My other-halfs mother has given me some pretty bad regifts....LOL

Leah Schwartz said...

I know that I have regifted but I can't remember any of them. But if I was to EVER win something from you CATHY I would NEVER regifted it I promise!!!

Peyton's Mom said...

If I did regift-I would never regift something from Cathy's place-sheesh I am just like stormy-I horde everything-especially pretty scrapbook stuff!

Peyton's Mom said...

where is everyone-I wanted to end my day with some good laughs about regifting-

Beth said...

I've thought about it today and haven't come up with anything I've regifted, but that doesn't mean I haven't ever done it--now that I think about it, maybe I should have regifted the smores bath set...hmmm...

Laurie said...

No way would I regift. If I didn't like it, there is no way that I want to give the gift and claim that it's from me.

Anonymous said...

I have regifted, but I'm generally up front, and don't actually gift it. I say, hey, I got this and I really can't use it, so I thought of you. If you don't like it, donate it. See, I save on gas money too! :-)
Yeah, I've had some interesting regifts. But, my girlfriend is usually spot on at what I will like from her stash. And, if it's cool, I don't care where it came from.
Sandi, I'm dying about your mug. Was it the exact SAME mug you gave? Too bad there isn't time to regift it right back.
Great question, Cathy.

Mary said...

The worst regift I ever got was a pie plate. One year my friend was complaining about getting a stoneware pie plate and how she would never use it. The next Christmas she wrapped it and gave it to me. I used it once, and it ruined the pie.