Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 21 winner and a new prize

Congrats to Michelle, she won the wonderful Christmas Card magazine from Northridge Media. Gives you a head start for next year.

I will use Michelle's question: What are you excited about most this Christmas?

For me, the snow (gotta love a white Christmas) and just to be with family! My mom is an amazing cook. I love spending time with my family!! My brother, Ricky and Tyler will be there!
Family means the most!!!

Today's prize a packet of Fancy Pants chipboard, 3 different sheets and a packet of rub ons!
Fun, fun, fun, for all of you who want to try chipboard out!


Peyton's Mom said...

I am most excited for Peyton to get his Thomas the train ride on!! it is so cool I cannot wait to see his face when he sees it and gets on it and rides around the house!!!

thestormyone said...

i agree with cathy~ family and a white christmas. i also agree with lori, seeing my kiddos faces. go for the chipboard girls~ if you have never tried it, here is your chance to win. what more could you ask for: fancy pants chipboard!!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing my nieces and nephews.

Anonymous said...

I am most excited about attending Christmas Eve services. Silent Night by candlelight is awesome no matter how many years I have done it. I am also excited about viewing Christmas through the eyes of four of my granddaughters. Now...if we can just get to Omaha tomorrow so it can all happen.

Anonymous said...

I"m most excited about taking the kids to pick up our new dog!!!! I really can hardly wait.

Leah Schwartz said...

I am soooo excited to see Alex wake up Christmas morning and see that Santa brought him a John Deere trackor for him and Jason!!

Debbie S said...

Like lots of you - spending the day with family and my fur-kid Maggie, eating good food, playing games!

Beth said...

We ended up leaving for Nebraska early to avoid the storm, so I'm very excited not only to be here with my family, but to get a couple extra days here with everyone!

Mary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary said...

Sorry, found a typo, trying again.

I'm looking forward to a piano concert on Christmas morning. I told my kids I won't get out of bed to open presents until they play for me.