Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 19 winner and a new prize

Congratulations to Jennifer Holdaway...Jen wins the Maya Road Vintage Purse Album! She has a brand new baby girl! This will be the perfect way to show off her photos! She is just adorable!

Well, after yesterday's responses, I do believe we need to have a chipboard class. You don't know what you're missing!!! I agree that it gets a little bulky for cards, but I almost always hand deliver my cards. You can ink, paper, paint, emboss, glimmer mist, glitter chipboard. It's fun, it's versatile, and adds so much to your projects. It is a little more work, like Lori said, but it is so worth the effort!

Today's question: What's your funniest (now it's funny) holiday catastrophe? Cooking, family fight, or decorations??
I have a couple, one when the cat climbed the Christmas tree...CRASH!
And another, when the the mixer bowl was not all the way secure and the mashed potatoes went flying...the cupboards, the floor, the counters and even some potatoes on the ceiling! Pretty hilarious, actually!

Today's prize: Kaisercraft rub ons and bling! Three different sets of holiday rub ons and some fun bling embellishments to go with!


Anonymous said...

Probably the worst holiday catstrophe happened 38 years ago on our honeymoon. Yesterday was our anniversary. First, we were seniors in college and I had to go back to campus the day after our wedding to take a final in "Marriage and Family". All my other professors and all my husband's professors allowed us to take care of everything early.
We honeymooned in Colorado and wanted to see a ski resort, not ski, just see the resort. We went to Vail and got caught in a blizzard. The only way they would allow cars over the pass was with chains so we bought chains. When we finally got over the pass and to Golden we didn't have enough money for a motel and they wouldn't accept a check. We had just enough for a hotel with the bathroom down the hall, etc. It was a misserable night. We didn't have a credit card; there were no debit cards. Anyway it was memorable.

Anonymous said...

Many years ago I finished decorating our tree. We didn't have a lot of ornaments so I hung everyone of them on the front and sides of the tree and none in the back since no one would see that side anyway. As we stood back and admired the tree it feel forward and down it went. My husband set the tree back up. Put a rope around the tree and nailed the rope through the carpet and floor. All I could think was -- MY HERO!!! Nancy Schurger

Peyton's Mom said...

I think the most memorable crazy time was that dreaded christmas I did not get the easy bake oven-I wish I could see my face as I opened the snoopy snocone machine! I can still remember pulling the paper off and going HUH? what is this? such a disappointment.

thestormyone said...

lori, you really need therapy!! um, catastrophe in my family?? first of all a fight??? is that not what every family does?? no tree falling, no food flying. today however half of my moms tree lights ( in the middle of the tree) went out. me, i would of went oh well, my mom not so much. she told my dad to fix them, "i dont know how" ........... cant type what my mother said.................... mom and dad "conversing" ok, cristy and i tell dad to go get another strand of lights. 3 dead sets, and then he found a new one. but he wanted to know how you get the lights on without disassembling the whole tree........ anyway cristy and i just strung the new lights over the nonworking ones and quickly went home... that is a typical day in our family...
once we had 2 intermissions from opening presents.. that was when cristy's kids were little. we literally had over 3 hours of unwrapping presents and had multiple "trees".
well, lori i hope your husband goes in to psych so he can help you!!!!

Anonymous said...

No stories come to mind but I have never held my own Christmas holiday. I am sure my mom would have a story. Carla

Debbie S said...

I don't really have a holiday catastrophe either - other than that several years ago my mom decided our family wasn't exchanging gifts anymore - so I didn't buy any and my sister still did. It was very uncomfortable not having gifts for them when they had them for us.

Anonymous said...

A few years ago my hubby was deployed and we lived in Germany. We got the tree up, and fluffed it. (I do prelit, artificial trees.) It was so pretty. And bright. Our friends came over for dinner and told me it was REALLY bright. And it was. Shortly after that the middle section of lights went out. I figured I could live with that. Then another section. I unplugged it and waited to ask my husband about it. Apparently, I had forgotten to plug it in to the transformer instead of just an adaptor. Got new lights, hung them over the other ones, and let if go like that. We bought a new one the next year.

Mary said...

Our worst catastrophe was the year we had dinner at our house. My husband's eighty-some-year-old grandma laid on our couch to take a nap. A few minutes later, the tree crashed over, missing her by inches. We must have pushed it loose from the stand getting presents out from under it. Anyway, nap time was over.

Beth said...

The only thing that comes to mind is the year I was taking my soon-to-be hubby home to meet all my extended family in rural Nebraska. I hit black ice while going down a big hill, then spun way down into a deep ditch. Luckily it happened right beside the county shop and the snowplow operator saw us through the window and came over to pull us out. We thought everything was fine and headed down the road only to develop a flat tire about 5 miles later. We finally got there a couple of hours later (and thanks to some wonderful local helpers!) Despite it all, he still married me, but he does do all the driving at Christmas now!

Leah Schwartz said...

I would say the year Chris and Jim were bring a table up from the basement, and ran into another table and knocked it over and spilled the candle all down my wall. I can still see the wax line!!

Rhonda Wood said...

I can't think of a catstrophe...only one Christmas we were all woke up around 3am from my dad coming home from the bar and he thought it would be a perfect time to open presents! What a DA... anyhow.. that was also the same year I got a ton of HOT PINK stuff from my parents..I didn't get it cause I used to HATE pink and still don't like HOT pink on pale pink... The pictures from that year you can clarly see... I was not amused... I think I was about 13 can laugh at it now.. thank Goodness!