Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day 23 winner and a new prize

Congrats to Susan H, she wins the Pink Paislee goodies! I know you will enjoy creating with these fun papers and embellishments!

Today's prize: a gift certificate for a free class of your choice at the Playground! The certificate entitles you to a class of your choice, up to a $20.00 value!

Today's question: What games do you play on Christmas with your family? Do you play the same one's every year or switch it up a bit?
We usually play UNO, or Michigan Rummy! UNO gets rather interesting and competitive at our holidays! I think we may have a couple of cheaters or maybe a better word would be bluffers in our family!

Wishing you all a very blessed Christmas Eve!


Anonymous said...

We play card games, and some board games. It was always so much fun when my mother-in-law was alive and we played games with her. We have been without power for 1 day and 6 hours so far. The generator is helping, but can't run everything. The grandchildren are adorable and so much fun. We always go look at lights on Christmas Eve, but I have a feeling it won't happen this year. Nancy Schurger

Anonymous said...

UNO, cribbage, spoons. We have hiked before also.

Tessa said...

Someone always gets a game for Christmas, so we almost always try something new. This year I bought one called Rummikub the day after Thanksgiving that we have been playing off and on thru the month. So far, I haven't lost. Ahhh, the perfect game and a Christmas wish (to beat JT) all tied into one!

Anonymous said...

Cathy, Glad you took the day off. You deserve it.
We don't really play games, unless one comes on Christmas day. We had some power outages yesterday and the kids spent the time playing the card game War, and Trivial Pursuit. It was nice to get to see them getting along.
But, when I was growing up we played "Spoons!" I loved that game. It was perfect for a large family.

Have a super day.
Merry Christmas.

Leah said...

We play card games, I just got a new board game this game called Quelf, it sounds like fun so will see!!

Michelle said...

We just finished playing Hannah's new games. We really don't play games at Christmas - at least not yet.

Anonymous said...

Settlers of Catan ROCKS! but you have to play all the expansion packs to make it fun. I like to play Scrabble because I kick some butt-my husbands butt-in that game!


thestormyone said...

no games here! we used to ut a puzzle together, but that has not happened for years!! i gues we do play one game: who can eat the most!! Merry Christmas All!! and thanks Cathy for the great giveaways. My give away to you is: i am boycotting Hobby Lobby, and Michaels scrapbooking area!!! I dare anyone to join with me!!

Debbie S said...

We're a Uno house too - Or watch a movie. Thanks for all the giveaways!

Beth said...

We play new games every year, but always go back to the old standby - Nerts!